Fire & Safety
In Emergencies, Dial 911
Police Department
95 E Wilson Bridge Rd
Worthington, OH 43085
Non-emergency/Dispatch Center - 614-525-2125
Police Supervisor - 614-885-5115, Press 1
Chief Jeff Tuchfarber - 614-885-5115, Press 1
Fire Department
6500 N High St
Worthington, OH 43085
Worthington Division of Fire - 614-525-2125
The members of the Sharon Township Police Department will strive to protect and serve the residents of our community.
Mission Statement
The Sharon Township Police Department is dedicated to working in partnership with members of the community in order to improve and enhance the richness of our Township’s quality of life consistent with the following principles:
Respect for human rights
Maintain peace and order
Reduction of crime and disorder
Enpower individuals to achieve their potential
Maintain a high standard of excellence and continuous improvement
Core Values
We, the members of the Sharon Township Police Department, are individually and collectively accountable for reflecting the Core of Values in our professional and personal lives.
We hold ourselves accountable to the highest level of honesty, truthfulness, and ethical conduct while striving to maintain a superior standard of service.
We respect human life above all else. We are committed to fair and impartial service within the Department and throughout the community. We value cultural diversity and ensure that all persons are treated with equality, courtesy, and compassion.
We take pride in ourselves as individuals, our Department as a team, and our citizens as a Community. We are proud of who we are, what we do, and those we serve.
We are committed to providing quality service through highly trained and motivated employees. We encourage an environment of cooperation and open communication in which our skills, knowledge, and abilities are used for the benefit of all.
Vison Statement
The members of the Sharon Township Police Department will strive to protect and serve the residents of our community. We have sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Ohio, and we will persevere in protecting those Rights.
New Resident InfoLOCAL NUMBERS: Local Waste Services 614-409-9375 Franklin County Zoning 614-525-3094 Franklin County Public Health 614-525-3160 Call Before You Dig 811 Utility Contact Info: Gas - Columbia Gas – 1-800-344-4077 Home - Columbia Gas of Ohio (columbiagasohio.com) Electricity - AEP – 1-800-672-2231 AEP Ohio Trash & Recycling - Local Waste - (614) 409-9375 Sharon Township Local Waste page Water/Sewer: City of Columbus - (614) 645-8276 Public Utilities - City of Columbus Aqua - (877) 987-2782 Aqua Water DelCo - (740) 548-7746 Del-Co Water Cable Internet – Spectrum - (833) 949-0036 Spectrum Trash collection Trash pickup is on Monday and provided by Local Waste Services. (614)409-9375 Frequently Asked Questions How do I arrange for a large-item pickup (i.e. couch, mattress)? Call Local Waste or visit Local Wastes web site to schedule a bulk pickup. you can click on Local Waste Services above You may also check the Solid Waste Authority of Central Ohio (SWACO) web site for other alternatives How do I dispose of my major appliances? Visit the SWACO web site How do I dispose of my yard waste? Yard waste can be taken to Kurtz Brothers Inc. free to Franklin County Residents How do I dispose of old paint, chemicals, household hazardous waste Click here or contact SWACO telephone 614-871-5100 How do I get rid of? SWACO has a listing of how and where to dispose of or recycle most unwanted items Recycling Recycling for residents is collected the same day as trash collection. A list of materials that can be collected is here: If you need to add recycling to your account, please contact Local Waste: http://www.localwasteservices.com/ Leaf Pickup The Road Department provides curb side bulk leaf pickup in the fall of each year. Please remember the machine is only designed to pick up leaves, all other yard waste should be recycled separately. Leaf pick starts the 3rd week of October and ends the last week of November each year. PLEASE REMEMBER PLACE LEAVES AT EDGE OF ROADWAY NOT IN THE ROAD. Official start and end dates will be posted on the calender the first of October. Storm Water Pollution Sharon Township is dedicated to the protection of our streams and water resources and we encourage our residents to support these efforts. We have been a part of the Franklin County Stormwater Partnership program since 2003 to work regionally to address drainage management, water quality management and stormwater regulation compliance. Partners included are the County Drainage Engineer, Economic Development and Planning, Sanitary Engineer, Public Health, Franklin Soil and Water Conservation District and 17 townships. For more information on our stormwater program visit: https://development.franklincountyohio.gov/planning-zoning/stormwater-management We all have an important role in the protection of our streams and water quality. Please minimize your impacts by: removing yard waste and leaves from street gutters and storm drains; using fertilizers and pesticides sparingly and properly, and sweeping all excess off sidewalks, driveways and streets; for more information visit www.getgrassy.org. bagging pet waste and disposing of waste in the trash directing downspouts to rain barrels or rain gardens; visit www.communitybackyards.org. planting native trees, shrubs and perennials; visit www.communitybackyards.org washing your car on grass, gravel or at a car wash; maintaining your aerator and septic system; for more information on managing sewage treatment systems visit: www.myfcph.org/npdes. reporting all pollution and spills appropriately (see below) encouraging community groups to support our work with a stream clean-up, tree planting or another activity. If you know of an interested group, please contact us. If you see someone putting anything down a storm drain or directly into a stream or river and you have a license plate number, home address or other identifier, call “It’s a Crime” at (614) 871-5322 or visit www.itsacrime.org and select report illegal dumping. Chemical and petroleum spills: Call the Ohio EPA 24-hour hotline (800) 282-9378 Sewage related pollution: Call the Franklin County Public Health 24-hour hotline (614) 525-3965 or email HSTS@franklincountyohio.gov Agricultural or manure-related pollution: Call Franklin Soil and Water Conservation District (614) 486-9613 from 8:30 – 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday or use the “Contact Us” tab at franklinswcd.org You can also contact Franklin Soil and Water about any non-emergency pollution and they will inform the proper agency. The Franklin County Board of Commissioners has also provided residents with a mobile app that can be used to report water pollution including sending a location and a photograph. Download the free app at the iTunes store or at Google Play. Search “Franklin County”. What can you do to help prevent storm water pollution? Household Hazardous Waste SWACO HHW Facility Information 645 E. 8th Avenue Columbus, Ohio 43201 (The corner of E. 8th and Essex Avenue) Phone: 614-294-1300 Get Directions » Weekly Hours (Closed Holidays) Wednesdays: 12pm-6pm Thursdays: 9am-5pm Fridays: 12pm-6pm Mobile Collection Drives: For dates and information visit the SWACO web site. The web site also has a “how do I get rid of” drop down menu for many other items SOLID WASTE AUTHORITY OF CENTRAL OHIO Web address http://www.swaco.org/Residents/HouseholdHazardousWaste.aspx Call before you dig Remember to call 811 and call before you dig! If you are digging within the Township Right-of-way you will need a Permit to Excavate from Sharon Township The application may be downloaded here USGS Water Monitor Below are the instructions for signing up to receive WaterAlert from the United States Geological Survey (USGS). There is one monitor for Sharon Township; it is located under the Wilson Bridge Road bridge. Step 1: go to http://water.usgs.gov/wateralert/; Step 2: If your location is enabled, clicking on the link above should take you to the map of central Ohio; Step 3: Zoom in on the portion of the map near the location you would like to monitor. Gauges appear as “pins” on the map – click on the pin nearest to the area you want to monitor; Step 4: At the bottom of the pop-up box appears a button to subscribe to WaterAlert. Click on this button and it will give you the ability to receive texts or emails; how often to be notified; whether you want gauge height or discharge rate (gauge height is recommended); and a threshold for when you want to be notified (be sure to select a gauge height that will provide enough time to take action in case of an impending flood); Step 5: The subscription process asks for an email to send a confirmation. Replying to the email will activate the subscription. Occasionally, WaterAlert will send reminders to review your subscriptions.
Public HealthWater and Sewer Services Water and sewer services in Sharon Township vary depending on the area in which you live. Residents should be aware of the type of water and sewer systems they have, how to maintain the systems and who to contact for service or reporting problems. The following information has been compiled to assist residents in determining what type of system they have, who is responsible for the system, how to maintain a private system (HSTS) and who to contact for assistance. Sanitary Sewer Systems: There are two basic type of sanitary system used in Sharon Township Public sanitary sewer systems These systems are maintained by either Franklin County Sanitary Engineer or The City of Columbus depending on your area, check below for more information for your area. Household Sewage Treatment Systems (HSTS) These systems are the property owner’s responsibility to maintain and vary in type of system, how they work, and maintenance required. There are three types of systems currently in use in Sharon Township. Maintenance for these systems are similar, however some may take some addition care. The system on the property should have been disclosed at the time of purchase. The system types are: Aeration Systems Septic Systems Mound Systems If you are not sure what type of system you have check with Franklin County Public Health or Sharon Township Road Department for assistance. Here are some maintenance guidelines to follow: Water Systems: There are two basic types of water systems in Sharon Township Public or Private water systems These systems provide water to residents through a water line system that is maintained by either a public or private water company. There are four companies currently providing water within Sharon Township depending on where you live see the list below for your area. Aqua America, The City of Columbus, Delco Water, and Mt Air Water. Well Systems: These systems are the responsibility of the property owner to maintain. For assistance you may call Franklin County Public Health or look for a plumbing company that is registered with the Ohio Department of Health to work on well systems. Contact Information Sanitary Sewers: Franklin County Sanitary Engineer 280 East Broad Street, 2nd Floor Columbus, OH 43215 Phone: (614) 525-3940 After-hours Number For after-hours or weekend emergencies ONLY, call our Sanitary Engineering staff ‘on-call’ person at 614-525-2365. Please only call the emergency number for actual emergencies. All non-emergency calls should dial 614-525-3940. City of Columbus Water and Sewer Department of Public Utilities 910 Dublin Road Columbus, OH, 43215 Please report utility repair needs to the 311 Center online by calling 614-645-3111 (weekdays 7am – 6pm); or call 614-645-8276 (weekdays 7am – 6pm). For non-business hours emergencies only: Sewer 614-645-7102 Household Sewage Treatment Systems (HSTS) Franklin County Public Health 280 East Broad Street Columbus, Ohio 43215-4562 Phone: (614) 525-3160 Fax: (614) 525-6672 Email: fcph@franklincountyohio.gov For information on how to use and maintain your system or file a complaint about a failed system follow the links below. File a Complaint How to maintain your system Water Services Aqua America Water Phone 877-987-2782. Additional information may be found on your water bill The City of Columbus https://www.columbus.gov/utilities Phone:(614) 645-8276 Weekdays 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. E-Mail: utilityleadrep@columbus.gov Please report utility repair needs to the 311 Center online by calling 614-645-3111 (weekdays 7am – 6pm); or call 614-645-8276 (weekdays 7am – 6pm). For non-business hours emergencies only: Water 614-645-7788 Delco Water Del-Co Water Co. 6658 Olentangy River Road Delaware, Ohio 43015 Phone: 740-548-7746 Fax: 740-548-6203 1-800-521-6779 Mt Air Water Laura Kunze – Chairman, Mt. Air Improvement Corp. Telephone 614-395-7009 Wells: For a list of contractors registered by the Ohio Department of Health to work on private well systems follow the link below. They are listed by county, Franklin County is currently on page 22. https://www.odh.ohio.gov/-/media/ODH/ASSETS/Files/eh/water/Lists/List_RegPWSC_Ohio.pdf?la=en Service Providers by Area Cleveland Avenue Area: Water Service Sewer Service Well HSTS Flint Area: Services vary depending on road Water Service Sewer Service Delco Water Franklin County Sanitary Engineer Well HSTS Mt. Air Area Services vary depending on address for water Water Services Sewer Services Aqua Water HSTS Mt. Air Water Well Sharon Hills Area Water Service Sewer Service Well HSTS Tremont Gardens (RKW) Service for sewer system vary by address Water Service Sewer Service City of Columbus City of Columbus HSTS Worthington Hills Area Sewer system varies by address Water Service Sewer Service Aqua Franklin County Sanitary Engineer HSTS
Neighborhood ResourcesTremont Gardens Columbus City Schools - https://www.ccsoh.us/ Clintonville Farmers Market - https://www.commongreensohio.org/clintonville/ Sharon Hills Columbus City Schools - https://www.ccsoh.us/ Worthington Farmers Market - https://www.experienceworthington.com/worthingtonfarmersmarket Worthington Hills Worthington City Schools - https://www.worthington.k12.oh.us/ Worthington Farmers Market - https://www.experienceworthington.com/worthingtonfarmersmarket Community Park Westerville City Schools - https://www.westerville.k12.oh.us/ Uptown Farmers Market - https://uptownwestervilleinc.com/uwi-presents/farmers-market/ City of Worthington https://www.worthington.org/ Community Center - https://www.worthington.org/209/Community-Center Village of Riverlea https://www.riverleaohio.org/ Libraries https://www.columbuslibrary.org/library-locations/ https://www.worthingtonlibraries.org/ Hospitals https://wexnermedical.osu.edu/locations https://www.ohiohealth.com/locations https://www.mountcarmelhealth.com/locations Community Center https://www.worthington.org/209/Community-Center https://parks.westerville.org/facilities/community-center Seniors https://www.worthington.org/241/Griswold-Center
Township Unincorporated AreasThe original boundaries for Sharon Township when it was first established were Morse Road north to the Delaware County line; and Cleveland Avenue west to the old village of Linworth. Most of that area has been incorporated by the cities of Columbus, Westerville, Worthington, and the Village of Riverlea. Those areas not incorporated remain under the jurisdiction of the Sharon Township Board of Trustees to govern; and the responsibility of the Sharon Township Police Department to protect and serve. THE UNINCORPORATED AREAS INCLUDE Emerson Avenue Milton Avenue Olentangy Boulevard Riverside Drive Rosslynn Avenue W. Kanawha Avenue Westview Avenue Flint RD./Park Rd. Area Bertson Place Dunhill Drive (Private Drive) Flint Road Flint Cemetery Friend Street Forest Ridge Court Forest Ridge Drive Melyers Court Oak Street Park Road (Intersection of Park Rd. and Flint Road) (Railroad crossing) Pocono Road Station Street West Street Community Park Area Community Park Drive Hildreth Avenue Home Acre Drive Jewett Drive (East of Maple Canyon Drive) Maple Canyon Drive Sharon Hills Area Briarbank Drive Clover Drive Larkstone Drive Linworth Road Postlewaite Avenue Sharon Hills Drive Linworth Area Alrojo St. Samada Ave. W. Dublin Granville Rd. (St. Rt. 161) and Olentangy River Rd. Intersection Worthington Hills Area Clubview Blvd. North Clubview Blvd. South Colony Way Colony Court Highview Drive Lookout Point Drive Mission Hills Lane Singing Hills Lane Woods Lane (Private Drive) Mt. Air Area Ash Drive Beech Drive Edgecliff Drive Elm Drive Lakeshore Drive Maple Drive Mulberry Drive Oak Drive Old Woods Drive Plumtree Drive Walnut Drive U.S. 23 Corridor High Street Baptist Church Camp Mary Orton Ron Foth Advertising Windsong Court (Condominiums) Unincorporated area of roadway from 1-270 north to Delaware County Interstate 270 Corridor U.S. 23 Interchange State Route 315 Interchange State Route 315 Corridor Bethel Road Interchange Unincorporated area from Bethel Road north to Delaware Count Olentangy Valley Business District All businesses located in shopping center North and South office buildings B. P. Service Station Marathon Service Station US Bank Other Areas 410 W. South Street (Residence) 5600 Karl Road (North Church) Carruthers Dr. (Private Drive) Hannawalt Drive (Old Cleveland Avenue N.W.) Hard Road and State Route 315 Intersection Hard Road (Unincorporated Area) Sharon Woods Metro Park (Includes area off Main Street, Westerville) Olentangy River Road and Linworth Road Intersection Olentangy River Road (Unincorporated roadway from Bethel Rd. to Wilson Bridge Road) Linworth Road (Unincorporated roadway from Bethel Rd. to Larkstone Drive)